Meet Philippa


"Hi! I'm Philippa, a Health Coach specialising in supporting those suffering from Endometriosis, as well as women's health challenges. I help you navigate your diagnosis with dignity, through collaboration, holistic strategies, education, and ongoing support. Together, let's shorten your journey out of discomfort, so you can regain control of your life again."

About me

I have been navigating the debilitating pain and health management of Endometriosis for 14 years (over 16 years if you count the pain and symptoms that followed my first menstrual cycle). My passion is rooted in my own journey, and I’m here to help others find a path forward - a path that’s shorter, more dignified, and filled with hope.

A very short version of my experience...

Unfortunately, like women around the world facing health challenges, it took me getting to my very worst, before anyone would take me seriously enough to try help. After years of "coping" with my pain and symptoms, it finally caught up with me and I ended up bedridden and unable to complete basic tasks - I no idea how bad Endometriosis could get. I lost my health, my independence but also my dignity and spirit living in chronic pain without a clear path forward. Sadly, health care systems were not designed with women’s health needs in the forefront and I experienced a number of failures which led to a lack of trust. I am grateful to say that in the end, I had excision surgery performed by an Endometriosis specialist, who removed stage 4 endo from multiple organs. This gold standard surgery gave me a second chance at life, but surgery is only one part of the puzzle to managing endometriosis. There are other important tools, strategies and health care providers/specialists that could make all the difference in your journey.

My dedication to health coaching others through their endometriosis journey is fuelled by my passion to prevent others from having years stolen by pain and gruelling symptoms. Over the years, I’ve immersed myself in learning everything I can about Endometriosis and women’s health, continuing to stay up to date on endo research progression and advancements, growing into a Health Coach who not only fosters a supportive and empathetic environment, but who genuinely wants to improve the experience for women (and their families) navigating endometriosis and chronic pain. Now that I’ve walked this journey myself, I’m certain there’s a better way forward for others. 

How I can help?

My approach is client-centred. There is no one size fits all, each programme will be tailored to you as an individual, and there are many different approaches which I will assess against your needs. Our process would include:

  • Assessing needs through consultation and discovery
  • Tailoring specific programmes with science backed holistic approaches to your needs or diagnosis (With you always maintaining autonomy and control over your path forward in goals & choices)
  • Maintain and ensure sustainability, accountability and support going forward

What could this include?

  • Endometriosis Education
  • Endometriosis Diagnosis Management Planning
  • Menstrual Health Education
  • Lifestyle Medicine Education (nutrition, fitness, mind-body & behaviour)
  • Support
  • Strengths & Values
  • Identifying Barriers
  • Goal Setting
  • Accountability
  • Weight Management
  • Meal Planning 
  • Habit Change
  • Positive Psychology Tools
  • Heat therapy (Private infrared sauna packages available to my clients)

My mission is to make up to date science and education accessible to my clients. I am not only here to provide you with the resources and education you require to manage your health effectively (which can be in co-ordination with your health practitioner) but I am also here to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and the root cause of your struggles. From here, you can apply specific tools and techniques that align with your personality which can create healthy behaviour change that can last.

Would you benefit from a Health Coach like me?

  • Does your pain impact your ability to work, manage simple day-to-day tasks and enjoy social activities?
  • Do you struggle with severe cramps, pelvic pain, fatigue and more?
  • Are your endo symptoms progressing despite everything you have tried?
  • Is managing your diagnosis overwhelming?
  • Are you struggling to get a diagnosis, be heard or have people believe you?
  • Have you tried before, but been left disappointed?
  • Would the right support make a difference?
  • Do you want to develop healthier habits?
  • Are you unsure of where to start?
  • Are you ready for change now?

If you have answered "Yes" to at least 3 of the above questions, especially the last one, you would benefit from working with a Health Coach.

What sets me apart from other coaches?

In addition to my studies and personal experience, I have the passion to truly be invested in your experience and the empathy to be the best support possible in your corner. I am honest and will never waste your time if I am not the right person to help you.

Qualifications & Skillset

  • Prekure Certified Health Coach
  • HCANZA Registered Health Coach
  • Certificates in: Nutrition as medicine, fitness as medicine, mind-body medicine, behaviour as medicine (including positive psychology and healthy habits), making sense of health research, medicines and managing the health care system.
  • BA Degree majoring in Psychology and English
  • Certification in HIV/AIDs Care & Counselling
  • Modules in: Sexual trauma psychology, community psychology, sociology of education, Theoretical and applied Ethics and group dynamics
  • Experienced Guest speaker

Hope lives here and the journey starts with knowing what you deserve. Endometriosis might not have a cure (yet), but they can become manageable if you are given the tools you need and the correct, up to date science and team at your fingertips.