Adults: A menstrual cycle can be anywhere between 21 – 35 days – it is important to know this is normal. 28 days is just the AVERAGE.
1 – Follicular phase (can be between 7 -21 days) we are all different.
2 – ovulation (1 day and the average is day 14 but if you have a longer cycle then you’ll have a later ovulation which is normal)
3 – Luteal phase (10-16 days long) can never be longer unless you are pregnant.
Teens: have a longer cycle anywhere from 21 to 45 days.
1 – follicular phase (7 – 32 days) cycle is longer because FP can last up to 32
2 – ovulation (1 day) same
3 - Luteal phase (10 – 16)
To start determining your cycle length, start counting from first day that you have heavy bleeding (not the spotting). The first day of heavy bleed is DAY 1 and beginning of your follicular phase.
Estimating your next ovulation might occur count back +- 2 weeks from the first day of your next expected period.
A period should last anywhere between 2-7 days.
Most women have 3 – 5 days (including the spotting day or two).
Therefore, Day 1 to Day 1 your period as an adult should come every 21 – 35 days.
If you are in any pain, discomfort, clotting or experiencing cycles differently to the average ranges above, please know pain and clotting are not normal. Please don't believe anyone who tells you this is "normal". You deserve better and it is definitely possible.
If you feel you are ready to take the next step away from discomfort and towards a pain free life, contact me here for a free session and we can get you to where you want to be.
Best wishes,Philippa
Endometriosis and Holistic Women's Health Coach <3